I love the awning I purchased from your company. Installation was a breeze and the benefits are awesome. Used to be that every time it rained, water would come in the door and wet the floor in the basement and wet the door frame causing damage. With the new awning the floor and door frame stay dry and I can leave the door open during a rain. I highly recommend your product.
T.K., South Carolina
Shipping was very fast, arrived much sooner than expected. The canopy was well packed, and not a scratch found anywhere when unpacked. Assembly was fairly straight forward, and anyone can do this if you have basic tools. I was very pleased with the solid construction of the canopy. I didn't expect to assemble and hang it the same day, but that's what happened as it went up fast. Very happy with the whole experience and I know I saved a lot of bucks by doing it myself.
T.H., Maryland
The awning was for my Mom's house and I ordered it strictly by some measurements and what I could see on your website. The assembly was pretty simple. My sister and I put it together up on a table inside the house. Hanging it was definitely a two person, two ladder, job over a stairway. Fortunately my sister is a master electrician so we had the ladders and drill. We did a bit of a work around to hang it by creating a template that we used to mark the positions to drill to install the fasteners. We initially used two fasteners (one each on a side from our ladders) so we could get it attached to the house then we secured all completely from underneath the awning. All in all it is a nice product, it does the job providing protection from the weather, and looks great.
M.O., Massachusetts
The Brookside Door Awning is a high quality and very attractive awning that adds value to my home. I couldn't be more pleased with my purchase and installation. I assembled and installed the awning by myself, which is quite a feat for an 80 year old man. Assembly was the most challenging. The assembly instructions could greatly facilitate this task by leading with a better explanation and with greater emphasis on the importance of the spacer bar. I would recommend this product to a friend with a word of caution about the spacer bar.
R.R., Tennessee
Our canopy was installed over the sliding door of our park trailer. Since we live on the south Oregon Coast, we knew any canopy we installed had to stand up to some pretty fierce winds and so far it has done just that. Charlie had no trouble installing the canopy by himself. It arrived just when we were told it would. It came well packaged and the instructions were very easy. We would certainly recommend General Awnings to everyone.
D.M., Oregon