The awning we bought went over the front door of a hundred year old house. The relative who lives there says the awning keeps out wind, rain and sun. It looks like it has always been on the house and we like it very much.
P.J., Virginia
I think the awning helped make a not so pretty entrance a little nicer. It definitely helps keep snow and rain away from the door. I was a little nervous about putting it together and up, but it worked out fine and was accomplished in less than an hour with one person to help me. I've only had it for about 6 months, but it looks as good as the day it went up.
D.P., Illinois
I am happy with awning, now that it's up. To be honest, the instructions could be much better. The photos were not very clear. It might be better to assemble it against a wall and on a flat surface, then raise it up and mount it over the door
M.G., Michigan
We got our awning installed and are happy with it. It was easy to assemble and truly looks sturdy. We complement you and your company for a well made product.
F.W., Texas